The Foundation “Scuola di Alta Formazione Giuridica-ETS” is a non profit body leaded by Prof. Pietro Perlingieri. The Foundation aims to attract high level professionals through training and reasearch activities characterised by innovative contents. The Foundation is primarily supported by the “alumni” of the “Scuola di Specializzazione in Diritto Civile”, operating at University of Camerino. The Foundation is Partner of the Consortium PSEFS (Personalized Solutions In Family and Succession Law), leaded by University of Camerino, granted by EU Commission – Justice Department and composed by the Universities of Almeria, Rijeka e Ljubljana. The Foundation is also stakeholder of the Consortium EU-FamPro (E-training in Family Property Regimes). The Consortium leaded by the University of Camerino involves the University of Almeria, Rijeka e Ljubljana and the “Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences”. The Foundation grants every year a special prize deserved to graduates wishing to specialize in Civil Law at the University of Camerino and promotes conferences, educational and research activities of national and international level.
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